Health & Safety

Health Safety

Healthy And Safety

ZERO Harm At Work Place Is Our Policy
TIGL(Total infrastructure Group Limited) are committed to ensuring a healthy and injury free workplace for all workers and visitors; as well as actively encouraging participation by everyone, every day, in every job to achieve health and safety excellence.

Our policy requires staff on site to:

  • Complete site induction & first aid training
  • Wear appropriate PPE
  • Be on site for a valid reason
  • Be competent & fit to carry out the work
  • Comply with the “Safety Manual & carry a Health and Safety” Competence Passbook recording training
Health and Safety

Healthy And Safety

TIGL holds a Training Register with competent Manger, including Training Register expiry dates for timely re-training. Hazards are recorded on a Register. A Work Site Safety Plan identifies hazards, Prepare the Risk Assessments’ for whole site, Prepare Job Safety Analysis when starting a particular job, ensures staff on site understands the site owner’s policy and procedures (incl. evacuation & emergency), ensures the correct PPE is used and is fit & competent for purpose and there is a communication plan when working alone or remotely.

TIGL site Managers complete Job Hazard Analysis as required. All equipment used by TIGL undergoes a Job Safety Analysis. TIGL does not usually use hazardous substances or dangerous goods but if needed appropriate assessments are done.